Terms & Conditions

Website newton.gr is a communication and information system of Newton SA with the public, through the use of internet technologies. Visitors / users must carefully read the terms of use and the conditions of service that follow prior to the visit or use of the pages and services and in the event of disagreement should not use newton.gr, otherwise they are presumed to accept them and give their consent.

Intellectual property rights

The entire content of this website in general is the subject of intellectual property and is governed by national and international intellectual property laws, with the exception of explicitly recognized third party rights. It is therefore expressly prohibited to reproduce, republish, copy, sell, transmit, distribute, publish, translate, modify in any way, in part or in whole without reference to the source.

Anything that appears on this website and generally on the newton.gr website and is the subject of third party intellectual property is solely a matter of its own sphere of responsibility.

Content Change

The information and content contained on this website and generally on the newton.gr website are subject to change at its discretion, without prior notice.

Limitation of Liability

Newton.gr without warranting and therefore being responsible, makes the utmost effort to ensure that the information and the entire content are governed by the utmost precision, clarity, timeliness, completeness, correctness and availability. In no event, including such negligence, newton.gr is liable for any damage that may be caused to the public due to this use of the site.

Newton.gr does not guarantee the uninterrupted and error-free provision of its applications and content. Information and services are provided “as is” without any express or implied warranty. Also, newton.gr does not guarantee that site or the “servers” through which they are made available to you are provided without “viruses” or other harmful ingredients. The cost of possible corrections or services is assumed by the visitor/user and in no case the newton.gr website.

The newton.gr website may contain published items that are currently out of date, such as press releases or instant updates.

Users of the site obligations

The public must firstly comply with the provisions of Greek, European and International Law, and abstain from any illegal and abusive conduct in the use of this website and the newton.gr website in general.

Liability for Third Party Content

Newton.gr is not responsible for the content and services of other websites to which it refers via links, nor does it guarantee their availability. Referral to other sites is for the benefit of the public and under no circumstances generates any form of Newton.gr’s commitment, and problems arising when visiting/using the websites to which it refers fall solely within the sphere of responsibility of the respective websites, where the public should also address.

Collection of Personal Data

We collect and use your personal data in order to provide you with the services described above. We encourage you to review the privacy options at your disposal regarding the ways we use your data by referring to our Cookies Policy.